
The waste land and other poems
The waste land and other poems

the waste land and other poems

In 1934 he wrote the London churches' pageant play 'The Rock', the choruses from which are preserved in Collected Poems, and the next year he was commissioned by the Canterbury Festival to write Murder in the Cathedral, about the martyrdom of St Thomas a Beckett. Eliot's writing for the theatre began with the satirical 'Sweeney Agonistes' fragments.

the waste land and other poems

The separate poems were gathered together as one work in 1943. His masterpiece Four Quartets began with 'Burnt Norton' in 1936, continued with 'East Coker' in 1940, 'The Dry Salvages' in 1941 and 'Little Gidding' in 1942. Ash Wednesday was published at Easter 1930. In 1927 he was received into the Church of England and also became a British citizen.

the waste land and other poems

His Poems 1909-25 was one of the original titles published by Geoffrey Faber's new firm, and the basis of his standard Collected Poems 1909-1962.

the waste land and other poems

Three years later he left the bank to become a director of Faber & Gwyer, later Faber & Faber. The poem was included in the first issue of his journal The Criterion, which he founded and edited. His most famous work, The Waste Land, was published in 1922, the same year as James Joyce's Ulysses. His first collection of essays, The Sacred Wood, appeared in 1920. In 1919 Poems was hand-printed by Leonard and Virginia Woolf. After teaching for a year or so he joined Lloyds Bank in the City of London in 1917, the year in which he published his first volume, Prufrock and Other Observations. He settled in England in 1915, the year in which he married Vivienne Haigh-Wood and also met his contemporary Ezra Pound for the first time. In his academic studies he specialised in philosophy and logic. His early poetry was profoundly influenced by the French symbolists, especially Baudelaire and Laforgue. He was educated at Harvard, at the Sorbonne in Paris, and at Merton College, Oxford. Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in St Louis, Missouri in 1888.

The waste land and other poems